Senior Care Security Solutions

Simply walk up to unlock your door
A man with dementia at a Senior Care facility had difficulty opening his door (he didn’t remember to bring his key, or he forgot how to use it) so his wife opted to leave his door open at all times. After the Guardian System was installed, the resident’s room was securely locked, but he was able to have easy access by simply walking up to the door with a U-KeyTM in his possession.
Seniors very often have difficulty opening a door with a traditional key due to conditions such as arthritis or Parkinson’s disease, or use of a walker or wheelchair. Hands-free U-KeysTM eliminate the need to insert a key or find and swipe a card, improving quality of life. No line of sight is required.
A single U-KeyTM is capable of opening doors at variable distances. For example, a room door can be opened at 2 feet, a front door at 10 feet, or a parking garage gate at 100 feet.
Locks continue to function even in the event of a power outage or network failure.
The process of replacing a lost U-KeyTM is simple and instantaneous. No locksmith is required to re-key any lock.
Wandering at night is a major problem in senior care. The Guardian System’s tracking capability enables real-time reporting to staff members if a resident leaves their room or designated area during a specific time period. This helps to prevent serious accidents and possible wrongful death.
With SecureAll Corps. Senior Care Security Solutions helps prevent this common problem
In the event of a natural disaster (fire, earthquake, flood), U-KeyTM tracking can be used by first responders to aid in pinpointing the location of all employees and residents and bring them to safety. This minimizes the time first responders are in harm’s way. Assigned external meeting places may be set up to identify which U-KeyTM holders have successfully exited the building. Simply approaching the area automatically registers those individuals as safe.
Seniors frequently leave their key in their room when exiting. With the Guardian System, the remote unlock feature allows a person at the front desk to open the residence’s door without leaving their post.
Many senior facilities provide services for which residents pay extra, such as a companion for a couple of hours per week to walk with them, read to them, talk with them, etc. These fees are typically paid for by the resident’s children. The tracking ability of the U-KeyTM is assurance to the children that these services have actually been delivered.
The Guardian System monitors every entry into a room. When a resident reports room theft, the facility can quickly check access records to identify who, if anyone, has been in the room.
Since the SecureALL system is a facility-wide security upgrade, insurance premiums can be reduced, similar to premium reductions for central fire alarms.
Expensive assets can be tracked and an alarm set off if the asset moves beyond a predefined space in a building.
All SecureALL locks have tamper protection. An alarm goes off when someone tries to get into a room via forced entry.
All SecureALL locks come with integrated door ajar sensors (no wiring required). These sensors let facilities know if a door is being propped open when it should be closed or if a door is still open at the end of the day. This feature prevents wasting heat or A/C. Door ajar sensors may be programmed to be active during specific times of the day.
The U-KeyTM may be also used for non-security applications, such as dining charges or on-campus services.
Who Else We Serve
SecureALL can be used in just about any new construction or retrofit application requiring a high level of security including:
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